Monday, May 18, 2015

To Pay Or Not Pay: Weighing PR For Your Business

You've hit the ground running and are just starting to see the fruits of your labor. Or maybe you've run your own business for several years, but want to ratchet up your exposure and visibility so your company can hit the next level. We're working with clients on both sides of the spectrum right now, but regardless of where an individual business may be, the question is always the same: How do I know if now is the time to pay for outside communications help?

Let me preface the answer by saying that we're a big believer in "doing it yourself" to save time and money, provided you can do it *effectively*. Unfortunately, a lot of business owners fail to see or admit that they just don't have the know-how and experience to be effective in their communications and outreach strategy. Sometimes it's pride, sometimes it's lack of awareness, often it's a desire to pinch pennies. Usually it's some combination of the three. Let's be honest, when you're juggling so many different balls at the same time, how many of those categories can you really claim to be an authoritative expert on?

When you're swinging and whiffing on public relations the consequences are two-fold: 1). You're failing to capitalize on PR opportunities that would exponentially grow your business because you're not able to identify or manage those opportunities (loss of new sales), 2). You botch communications and trip all over yourself when trying to handle a crisis and/or negative coverage, causing irreparable reputation damage (loss of existing sales). It's the classic adage of initially saving money up front only to take the big blow later on because you weren't willing to spend the money when you needed to.

So back to the original question. I'll answer it by having you answer the following key questions (yes, I'm an ex-reporter) : Do you know how to spot a story in time and get to the front of the line before it's old news in a couple of hours while also tying it back to your own business? Do you know which outlets would be best to reach out to? Can you tailor the message in a news story, community event or informal networking session to best reach your target audience? Do you understand social media and SEO? Do you have relationships with the critical movers and shakers in your community who can you utilize their networks to help you accomplish your goals? Do you even know who those people are?

No shame at all in answering no to any or all of those questions (if you claim yes on all of them I would like to schedule you for a job interview). Look, I can't find hidden tax breaks, perform a root canal or create a top of the line logo. That's why I hire an accountant, dentist or graphic designer. Make no mistake, credentials and experience count. Big-time. Especially with your business.

We have the ability to implement a strategy that will tell your story the right way to the right audience on the biggest stages possible. We understand small business budgets, and know how to create a highly effective communications plan at a cost for less than what you would pay for a full-time communications staffer. You wouldn't skimp on a root canal or maximized tax refund, so why would you do it with a sales engine that's as vital as communications and PR? Like the old cliche goes, you will eventually have to spend money to make money, and you really do get what you pay (or don't pay) for. Take a close look at where your PR strategy currently stands, and be willing to make a change that's ultimately best for the business you've worked so hard to build.

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